Start where you are. Use what you have, do what you can.

Remember that quote from Rumi. There is a way between voice and presence where information flows and disciplined silence. It opens with wandering talk. It closes. You can access that part of you in the spaces between your sleeping mind and your waking mind, in the moments when you get quiet and enter this meditative space. Remember that you are not your thoughts. You are the engine that thinks these thoughts. Remember that there may be a higher mind within you that desires to meet you and greet you with the insight of love, with the love inside you that can open you to the portals, to the divine. The divine is always a place for you to receive, to rest, to restore, and to have the keys to your inner knowing. And that inner knowing is the soul space where the mind, body, and spirit meet. And when you meet yourself there, you will find yourself in a place where you can be at home, where you can allow yourself to feel the love, to feel the light, to relax, relax, relax. And let the density of life's challenges melt away. Give yourself those spaces to be timeless, to be formless, to be in touch. Do not lose touch with this multidimensional reality. Do not lose touch with your senses. Your intuition is always here for you before you are here for the world.

We are here from the Blue Avian tribe, and we're messaging you to feel the frequency shifts that arise within your inner being.

We are here from the Blue Avian tribe and we're messaging you to feel the frequency shifts that arise within your inner being. Your inner being is a piece of your soul ready to envelop this higher understanding that we are one. When you start to cut the threads of separation consciousness in which you find yourself astray, astray from your inner voice, astray, astray from the limitations that you have embarked upon yourself because you have betrayed yourself. We will say this with kindness. You have betrayed yourself at times, and this is not something that we are saying with density, but with the lightness. Just so you can have your moment of acknowledgement, acknowledgement, acknowledgement to where you are in misalignment from your vocation and your intention, and the frequency that gives you more inner peace at the cost of excluding the wrong voices. Can you for a moment, retreat, retreat, retreat, retreat. This is your sign now to retreat so that you can start to starve the need to be in a position where you must defend, attack and disprove. No, not now. Not now. Set the energetic boundary that you are here right now to let your inner compass point you in the direction that heals your soul, in the direction that elevates your understanding, that fills your cup so that the harm can be undone.

Say the things that will move you forward

Say the things that will move you forward. Be the kind of being that will help you envelop a deeper understanding of what matters in the grand scheme of things. Do not look at what is going to bring you back. Do not care about what other people think. Focus on your timeline. Move into the deadline of abundance. Move into the surrender that you will be a force of goodness for your life. Forgive yourself for not realizing this now. No one is going to save you. Save yourself. Lift yourself up. Find what is life-giving. Clear, true, and free. You have all the information you could ever possibly have within your soul, within your cells, within the support system that you cultivate. Now. Your guides are with you. Your people are supporting you. Feel the goodness, feel the love. Feel the connection. That's all you need to know right now.

Your guides, your teachers, your angels and your soul family. Please be here with me now. So we meet here in this space of presence and unconditional regard for your life experience.

Your guides, your teachers, your angels and your soul family. Please be here with me now. So we meet here in this space of presence and unconditional regard for your life experience. To tell you what you need to know right now, which is to please clear out the karmic vows that you have made, that you so truly believe you must behave in a way that is incongruent to your soul's alignment. Please make sure that you are a mover and a shaker to shake up the buried treasures in hiding that lie dormant underneath the lies that are ready to be lost underneath the pressure that you have placed upon others to be something that is not who they are. Respect the progress of one another's timeline by detaching and retracting your projections and reframing new vows that you set for yourself. Take this time now to write out what is worthy of your truth. Take the time now to write out what needs to leave and what needs to come into your divine expression so that you may be moved by this life of yours, which is not eternal, But your soul is. Take the time to realign so that you may be in congruency with your divine calling in congruency to your soul's vision, and what will offer you the gratitude to make this life a generous lived experience for that is all you can give, and that is all you can gain.

Can you get back into the coherent heart that sings the one that can give you back the blessings of your life's offering.

Can you get back into the coherent heart that sings the one that can give you back the blessings of your life's offering. We are hoping that you can continue this momentum of life-giving service, of life-affirming movement, of life restoration. Can you gaze your eyes on the prize, that lets you find more surprises to the gateway of your all-encompassing lightness of beingness? Notice when you are back online by becoming more and more in timelines of what can help you sync up to your life's design. Restrict the negative voices, let the transformation open you back and free you from the past. Magic is in the air. Life is all going to be okay, when you correct your perception with the intuitive reflections. Don't worry, don't compromise. Don't look back and retaliate through any more psychic attacks. Come back to your spiritual integrity and find what is an omen, a message of your offering to unconditional regard. To Unconditional Regard. As every day is a new day for you to rebirth yourself and alchemize and transmute the shadowy aspects of your facet of truth. Please continue to dispel the illusions and die. Die. Die from your old ways of seeing, so that you can rise and step more into your sovereign being.